Promag Enviro has worked with many municipalities and corporations over our twenty years. We provide equipment and chemicals to towns and cities across North America.
Water Main Flushing
We provide EnviroREDI dechlorination tablets and tablet feeders for hydrants. Ensures consistent and reliable dechlorination during water main flushes to protect the local environment.
Chlorination Systems
We provide equipment for water treatment facilities or to provide potable water to small and remote communities. We have chlorination pumps that include automatic feedback and feed verification to ensure treatment. The Walchem EWN-Y + EFS Sensor combination can consistently provide performance and reliability.
We sell testing kits from LaMotte to verify sensor accuracy and system performance. As well, we have Flowline level transmitters for water holding tanks and batch tanks. Seametrics flowmeters are used to measure and track water consumption.
Municipal Pipe Maintenance and Testing Equipment
Large diameter plugs and smoke testing kits are industrial grade, accurate and reliable. We have equipment from Cherne for large scale testing and maintenance operations.
Dye Tracing and Leak Detection
Use Bright Dyes tracing to detect leaks in your water system. Available in tablet, powder, liquid, and strip form. Also available in NSF food grade versions.