PTSA (1,3,6,8-pyrenetetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt) is used in cooling tower and reverse osmosis applications as a tracer for inhibitor concentration monitoring, known as fluorescence tracing.
Pyxis PTSA standards are manufactured under strict lab environment and quality control processes to ensure accuracy for calibration. It is ideal for checking and calibrating portable and/or inline PTSA fluorometers.
The innovative PTSA-1010 combines PTSA standard with conductivity standard that will calibrate both parameters with Pyxis SP-400 and SP-700 meters.
Fluorescein is used in boiler feedwater applications as a tracer for real-time inhibitor concentration monitoring, often known as the “Fluorescence tracing” technique.
Fluorescein standards are manufactured under strict lab environment and quality control process to ensure accuracy for calibration. It is ideal for calibration of the Pyxis portable and/or inline fluorescein fluorometers.
The innovative PTSA-100FL and PTSA-100/50FL is an advancement that combines 100 ppb PTSA with 10 ppb or 50 ppb fluorescein in the same standard liquid, ideal to for the calibration of SP-380.
TTA (Tolytriazole) calibration standards in 1 and 2 ppm concentrations are used for calibration of the SP-395T handheld and ST-565 inline fluorometers. HST stands for Halogen Stable Tolytriazole, a halogen stable version of TTA also utilized in water treatment programs. The HST standards are used to calibrate the Pyxis handheld fluorometer SP-395 and inline fluorometer ST-565.
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